Tag: Eusebius

Missing Church for the Coronavirus

During the Roman Empire Christians had to decide if God was first in their lives (Mk. 12:30).  Should they attend worship services knowing if they did, they could ultimately die?  Knowing the risk if they got caught, would God permit a reprieve to His command for assembling (Heb. 10:25).  After all, once a new emperor took office the madness would end.  They only needed to hide for a few months or in the worst case, ...

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For Stomach Sake

Many people like to use 1 Timothy 5:23 as justification to drink alcohol. After all, Timothy is being told to drink wine by the Apostle Paul. To those who use this line of thought, it makes no difference how much wine is being drank or the reason for its use; all that matters is the sanction being given to Timothy to drink an intoxicating beverage. First of all, we should point out again that the word wine ...

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